We’ve complied a list of the most relevant resources about data loss and recovery to help you stay informed concerning all issues related to data loss, recovery and prevention.

Our list of Data Loss and Data Recovery Resources

Data Loss

Data Recovery

ABCs of Data Recovery

From components to services to general information. An ultimate data recovery infographic.

Infographic – 1500 x 9920 (JPEG)

Published by: Data Analyzers | 2018

ABCs of Data Recovery

From Visually.

Computer Forensics

Disaster Recovery



  • A pioneer of computer science – Ada Lovelace – Ada Byron, Countess of Lovelace, was one of the most influential figures in computing history. She is widely considered the first programmer. The U.S. Department of Defense named the universal programming language ADA in her honor. Today, we celebrate an Ada Lovelace Day that highlights the profile of women engaged in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
  • Turing machines – Alan Turing – Alan Turing was the first to boldly ask the question of whether machines can think. He left an indelible mark on the foundations of computer science, artificial intelligence, cryptography, and impacted other areas of science. He was openly homosexual in an era in which it was still a punishable offence. Alan Turing, called a discrete hero, contributed to the Allied victory in World War II in the crucial battle of the Atlantic.
  • The History of Data Storage – Info-graphic included
  • His Work Led to a Remarkable Increase in the Computer Storage Capacity – The news about British scientist Prof Stuart Parkin who won the 2014 Millennium technology prize for research that has led to a phenomenal increase in storage capacity of digital devices and announced the era of cloud computing, was not a surprise.
  • Charles Babbage – The son of a banker, Charles Babbage was born on December 26, 1791 in Devonshire, United Kingdom. At the age of 19, he entered Trinity College at Cambridge University. A man ahead of his time.
  • An Amazingly Timely Essay on Info Overload, Open-Access Science, and Human Filters – From 1945.
  • UNIVAC – UNIVersal Automatic Computer.
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