Back in April 2005 not many could have foreseen one simple announcement in such a small industry would lead to a Global Data Recovery Agreement Ontrack recently announced with Toshiba? In case you are not familiar with what had happened in the past 15 years keep reading…

About four years ago Kroll sold the Kroll Ontrack, their data recovery business operations to LDiscovery LLC forming KrolLDiscovery. Later KrolLDiscovery announced that it will become KLDiscovery. Idea was that KLDiscovery will distinguish itself in the ediscovery and information governance spaces while Kroll Ontrack will rebrand as Ontrack. KLDiscovery Ontrack, LLC is doing business as Ontrack.

“The launch of KLDiscovery and Ontrack illustrates our commitment to developing the best ediscovery and data recovery solutions for our clients. These new brands continue to honor the technical heritage our company has created over the last 30 years and builds on the strength of our people in solving ediscovery, information governance and data recovery challenges.” – Chris Weiler, CEO in 2018

Brand Ontrack

Previously Kroll, a corporate investigations and risk consulting firm from New York City acquired a computer forensics, electronic discovery, and data recovery company, Ontrack. Before that on January 31, 2006 Kroll Ontrack Inc. announced that it has completed the acquisition of Ibas Holdings ASA. Ibas was a Norwegian-based provider/brand of data recovery, data erasure and computer forensics services. While in April 2005 Ibas made announcement to purchase their main competitor, a UK-based Vogon International.

Ontrack was founded in 1985 as a software company, quickly published their Disk Manager®. The DM’s success led the company into the business of recovering data from damaged hard disk drives. This resulted in the formation of Ontrack Data Recovery in 1987.

history of data recovery

With this agreement Ontrack will join Seagate Data Recovery (formerly ActionFront) creating a second corporate manufacturer/service provider bond in the data recovery industry leaving Western Digital and their sort-of-not bias relation with data recovery service provider as a sole example.

Warranty Concerns

Therefore, in case one has a WD drive and had data recovered, warranty of your drive will not void. If a written verification, on that company letterhead confirm data recovery services has been performed, is indeed provided. And included with the media). In case you own a Toshiba drive you better check with your distributor when not using Ontrack services.

“From a backup perspective, we recommend you store backups of your business-critical data on external storage devices that you do not connect to your network, tapes, for example. You should regularly test your backups for accuracy and functionality.” –
Philip Bridge – President, Ontrack

With COVID pandemic on its third wave most of us work remotely. Many follow a notion that since using the Cloud to store data, means data must be automatically backed up and therefore safe and recoverable. Storing data to Cloud doesn’t mean you can recover it in case disaster or sudden data loss strikes such as ransomware. Quite opposite! So, backup your data to avoid need for a data recovery service.